Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Juniors Vs. Seniors? I thought we were on the same team here?

When you were at school, were you never posed with decisions about whether or not to party hard and do the things that were then, illegal with your older friends? If you weren't, then perhaps you should have considered your move to Rhodes a little more carefully considering the reputation Rhodents have picked up of late. Even though now, I am almost certain that any student (whether a first-year or not) would stick up for their fellow students and deny the accusations of raucous behaviour on a weekly basis.

Your generalised opinion about second and third-year students simply being out to get first-years is completely unjustified. I know this because I have numerous second-year friends who showed me around campus and helped me cope with the academic stress I have suffered from. Not every older male student out there is looking to sleep with a first-year girl while not every first-year girl is naive enough to fall for every older male student's tricks.

Your piece digs into first-years and is very condescending which is extremely hypocritical as you preach about first-years’ vulnerability not being exposed and exploited. I don’t know about you, but my first year at Rhodes as well as my older friends have helped me gain invaluable knowledge which I don’t think I would’ve found anywhere else.